Merry Christmas!! ヤーンアライブからメリークリスマス!

Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you so much for all your thoughts, prayers and support throughout this year! We appreciate you very much! Here is a group photo of one of our many classes we meet during the week. So good to have ladies back in Yarn Alive House and meet in person every week! Just wanted to share their smiles! Wishing you joy and peace this Christmas! Have a Merry Christmas and blessed New Years!



良きクリスマスをお迎えください。皆さまの上に喜び希望平和がありますように。 安心で満たされますように!







Christmas cheer has come to Yarn Alive! うれしいクリスマスがヤーンアライブに!

Christmas cheer has come to Yarn Alive! Pretty decorations of Christmas joy and peace are up! We will look forward to spending our December weeks with Yarn Alive members knitting together and encouraging each other face to face! Sending Christmas joy and peace to you!


皆さまのご協力をお願いいたします!Hats to Pakistan!

Yarn Alive sends knitted things (hats, blankets) to those who are suffering from natural disasters or as war refugees in various places around the world. The Yarn Alive ladies give their time and energy knitting these items from yarn donated from all over Japan.


We have already sent items to Philippines, Moldova, and are ready to send more to flood victims in Pakistan. However Yarn Alive needs help to cover the shipping costs.




If you would like to help us, please go to our Yarn Alive Web page and go to Donate

Fill the form and specify your donation by choosing “other specific project”. And send the form. Yarn Alive will receive your name and which project you are giving towards.  Please give through banks and our bank info is below

Donations from within Japan,

記号:  18170
番号:  18182081

Account Name: Ippan Shadan Hojin Yarn Alive 

Deposit from Banks within Japan

Branch: 818

Account Number: "Futsu" 1818208



② その後「ゆうちょ銀行」に直接お振込みをお願いいたします。(ヤーンアライブのホームページからは直接振込みは出来ませんのでご了承ください)

ご不明な点がございましたら、メール にお問合せ下さい。


Hats to Pakistan! パキスタンの大規模洪水で被災されている方々に帽子をお届けします!

During the monsoon season in August this year, Pakistan experienced several weeks of record of rainfall in 100 years. It was five times more than the average of rainfall of the past 30 years across southern Pakistan. As a result, large-scale flash floods have occurred in three of Pakistan's four provinces, and the damage is still expanding. Yarn Alive is sending hats to Pakistan.


Hats on the table are from our knitting group in Marumori. They sent 112 hats to add to our hat projects.

丸森編み物グループの皆さんが112個の毛糸の帽子を編んでくださり、七ヶ浜グループが今まで編んだ帽子と合わせて パキスタンの洪水で被災された方々にお届けします!

We packed 3 bags of about 15 kilos each to be taken to flood refugees in Pakistan. 今回集められた毛糸の帽子を3つの大きな袋に梱包しました。1つが約15キロにもなります。

They are in the car ready to go! A big thank you to everyone who has made hats in these last months!



Hats to Moldova! ウクライナ難民支援プロジェクト

The Tuesday class brought many hats that they have been knitting for Ukrainian refugees. All of the classes have been knitting for this project. We will be sending boxes of hats to Moldova to help with war refugees who are living there.



Happy October!ヤーンアライブの活動が再開されました!






Yarn Alive has opened up for classes again in October! Yay for fun seeing members again in person! It is our joy meeting with those we love and care.

Two ladies from the patchwork class modeling scarves that another member has been weaving over the last few months! We are all so happy to be meeting together again!!


More Hats to the Philippines 第2弾便!

As we announced Yarn Alive sent hats to the Philippines this April, we are getting ready to send our second package of hats on their way this week! They enjoy our hats so much that they requested more! Our ladies are excited to share their hats with children and their friends and families in the Philippines!

We hope to support Ukraine and send hats to Moldova in the near future.





Hats to the Philippines! 毛糸の帽子をフィリピンにお届けすることができました!

Yarn Alive sent hats to the Philippines!

The hats were sent to very poor mountain villages in Mindanao which is a province in the south of the Philippines. Most of the people live below the poverty line and war between the government and rebel groups breaks out frequently which causes trouble for the people who live in those areas. They are so happy to receive our hats and they are requesting more! We are getting ready to send our second package of hats on their way this week! We are hoping they will enjoy our hats! P.S. Even though it is hot in the Philippines, they are enjoying our wool hats!




Happy Reunion! やっとお会いできました!


Enjoying the beautiful May? Yarn Alive has started opening up classes at Yarn Alive House after months of break. It has been very happy reunion meeting everyone who has came back. So good to see ladies face to face again and spend time together to work on projects! Ladies enjoy being with their friends! It has been too long!! Some ladies brought what made during these months of break! Beautiful vests and a hat!!

Happy May and Happy Announcement!新緑の春5月 活動再開のお知らせ





Happy Spring! We are excited to announce you that we are opening up gatherings and classes at Yarn Alive House starting on May 10th! Happy News! We are excited to see our dear ladies face to face again!

We appreciate you very much for your support for Yarn Alive! We are getting way up there to receive yarn, but we are asking to hold yarn for now. Once we are ready to receive yarn, we will announce you. Thank you for your patience with us.