Hats to Pakistan! パキスタンの大規模洪水で被災されている方々に帽子をお届けします!

During the monsoon season in August this year, Pakistan experienced several weeks of record of rainfall in 100 years. It was five times more than the average of rainfall of the past 30 years across southern Pakistan. As a result, large-scale flash floods have occurred in three of Pakistan's four provinces, and the damage is still expanding. Yarn Alive is sending hats to Pakistan.


Hats on the table are from our knitting group in Marumori. They sent 112 hats to add to our hat projects.

丸森編み物グループの皆さんが112個の毛糸の帽子を編んでくださり、七ヶ浜グループが今まで編んだ帽子と合わせて パキスタンの洪水で被災された方々にお届けします!

We packed 3 bags of about 15 kilos each to be taken to flood refugees in Pakistan. 今回集められた毛糸の帽子を3つの大きな袋に梱包しました。1つが約15キロにもなります。

They are in the car ready to go! A big thank you to everyone who has made hats in these last months!

